RX Specialty Pharmacy

Our Specialty Pharmacy: OptimeCare

Optimizing the therapeutic journey through customized distribution, fulfillment and patient support programs.

Your Partner in Comprehensive Patient Support for Advanced Outcomes

Welcome to OptimeCare, AscellaHealth’s wholly owned Specialty Pharmacy, Wholesale Distributor and 3PL, and your trusted ally in developing a comprehensive patient support branded program.

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As a leading partner in the healthcare landscape, we understand the challenges pharmaceutical manufacturers face in delivering exceptional care experiences to patients. That’s why we’re dedicated to empowering clients and patients through our tailored suite of services and customizable programs.

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Monday through Friday: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm CST

Phone: (888) 287-2017

Fax: (888) 868-3147

email: businessdevelopment@optimecare.com

Address: 4060 Wedgeway Court

Earth City, Missouri 63045

For more information about AscellaHealth

Awards and Accolades

AscellaHealth is proud to be recognized as a leading global specialty pharmacy and healthcare services organization. We have won multiple awards both within and outside of the healthcare industry

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